- Vstupili ste:
- Obchod
- Kvety
- H
- Vsetky skupiny
- Alstroemeria
- Anthurium / Strelitzia / Curcuma
- Antirrhinus / Matthiola
- Aster
- Bouvardia
- Calendula / Daisy / Ginster
- Cesnak
- Cibuľovité rastliny
- Cymbidium/ Phalaenopsis/ Vanda
- Delphinium
- Dianthus / Dianthus Tros
- Dianthus Barbatus
- Eryngium
- Eustoma
- Frézia
- Gerbera / Germini
- Gladiolus
- Gyps / Solidago
- Heliconia
- Hortenzia
- Hypericum
- Chamelaucium
- Chryzantémy
- Iné
- Iris
- Krík / Drevo
- Kytice
- Lelien
- Limonium
- List Iné
- Narcis / Hyacint / Muscari
- Nutan / Protea / Capes
- Ornithogalum
- Phlox
- Pioneer
- Ruže
- Ruže 40 cm
- Sasanka / Ranunculus
- Sprej na ruže
- Syringa / Kalina
- Tulipány
- Veniec
- Veronika
- Vianočné kvety
- Víťazstvo
- Záhradné ruže
- Zamrznutý Ekvádor
- Zantedeschia
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Perhaps one of the best-known flowers in the Netherlands. The hydrangea is a beautiful flower that can stand in the border of your garden as well as in a nice vase. The hydrangea comes in many different colours such as pink, white, red, purple and blue. There are also multicoloured varieties. The hydrangea symbolises several meanings, but the most well-known is gratitude. The flower also symbolises a negative quality, namely unsteadiness and instability. The hydrangea is native to China and Japan, but is also found in South America.